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Tag Archives: neoclassical

I’ll start off by saying that not much is known about this act. Vàli, from Norway, has one album: Forlatt, released on the same label that some of post-rock band thisquietarmy‘s material is on, Foreshadow Productions.

Regardless of what is and is not known about this Vàli, I’d still  like to use this blog as a platform to promote this musician. Forlatt is an exceptional listen that makes relaxed use of several instruments. Texturally luring, it sports use of the cello, violin, and flute. Interesting tid bit: “Forlatt” translated to English means “abandoned,” a feeling that I feel he captured quite well with this album. The record is currently out of print.

Word on the street is that Vàli has signed a five album contract with the label Auerbach Tonträger. I cannot wait to see what direction he takes his music in.

If you like this, look into Ulver‘s Kveldssanger.

For (slightly) more information, check out:




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Every once in awhile, I come across a record that instantly pulls me in; one that blatantly stands out from its competition, a record so luring and tasteful, it demands that one listens until its completion. In recent memory, only a handful have captured my undivided attention. This album is one of truly remarkable quality; an exercise in finesse and craftsmanship. This is Luigi Rubino’s A Theme for the Moon from Italy, released on the French label Prikosnovenie.

Achingly delicate melancholic music with piano as its primary instrument, with occasional opera-like female vocals and usage of the cello and violin. Highly recommended.

Luigi Rubino; composer-pianist, started playing and studying piano and liturgical organ when he was 10, with both Italian and foreign teachers. Today he dedicates himself to original composition and loves 20th century classical music (Debussy, Poulenc).

If you enjoy this, be sure to check out Danny Norbury’s Light in August as well as Erik Satie and Debussy.

For more information:



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posted by admin.